Muny Centennial Celebration Oct. 3 2024 More than 500 supporters attend Centennial Celebration at Muny (Austin, TX) – The Muny Conservancy and Austin Founder Lions Club today hosted a Centennial Celebration to commemorate the national significance of Lions Municipal Golf Course, fondly known as ‘Muny’, on its 100th birthday. A large crowd of more than 500 supporters […]
President’s Message by Holly Reed MUNY Turns 100! 1924-2024 This year the Lions Municipal Golf Course (MUNY) is 100 years old! Events are happening throughout the year to honor this historic public golf course in the heart of Austin. As the first public course to desegregate in the South (1950) MUNY is a nationally recognized […]
PURPOSE OF MEETING: The City of Austin is sponsoring this community meeting to provide an opportunity for the applicant, neighborhood planning contact team, nearby residents/property owners and any other interested parties to discuss the proposed plan amendment and zoning change requests. DATE: Tuesday, May 21, 2024 TIME: 6:00—7:30 pm Website: The meeting will […]
WANG has sent a letter to the City of Austin Planning Commission regarding the Proposed HOME Ordinance. Click below to see the letter and information about the ordinance. WANG Letter to PC HOME 042224C H.O.M.E. and Compatibilty Ordinances
City of Austin’s Watershed Protection Department is planning to turn Reed Park’s ball field into a water retention pond – depositing 30,000 lbs of sediment per year into the ball field. Our green space and park land are in danger of becoming a mud pit and the historical preservation and natural beauty of our park […]
What Passed? and What Is Coming? Land Code Changes Passed in 2023 (“H.O.M.E” Phase 1) More Dwelling Units on Single-Family Lots Three dwelling units per lot are now authorized in single-family districts SF-1, SF-2, and SF-3. An 11,500 square foot lot zoned SF-2 or SF-3 can now have six units without a zoning change, […]
Reduction in Minimum Lot Sizes Having established the right to build three units per lot in Phase 1, the city council plans to reduce minimum lot sizes from 5,750 feet in SF-2 and SF-3 zones during Phase 2. It also plans to reduce the 10,000-square-foot-lot limit in SF-1 to a much smaller size (perhaps as […]
President’s Message by Holly Reed Preserving Black History in Austin February is Black History Month, and we are honored and privileged to have a nationally recognized Civil Rights Landmark in our West Austin Neighborhood Group area. The Lions Municipal Golf Course (MUNY) was the first public golf course in the southern United […]
This Saturday, March 2nd, Friends of Reed Park is partnering with Austin Parks Foundation for the biannual It’s My Park Day. On this day all around Austin, volunteers will head to their local parks and green spaces to clean up litter, mulch trees, and more. As a friend of Reed Park, we’d like to invite you and your family […]
Happy New Year to our West Austin Neighborhood Group members and neighbors. Please join us for our first meeting of 2024, on Wednesday January 10, 6 PM at the Howson Public Library. 2023 presented many challenges for our growing neighborhood and City. We hope to continue working with City policy makers to encourage more COMMUNITY […]
On Dec. 7 th the Austin City Council passed the “HOME” Ordinance which will allow up to 3 buildings on every single-family zoned lot in Austin. WANG’s proposed amendments to “HOME,” to encourage smaller housing, less displacement, less demolition, less loss of tree cover, less stress on infrastructure, less environmental damage, by limiting the size […]
Phase 2 of the “HOME” Ordinance will be considered this spring and proposes changing the minimum lot size of single-family zoned property from 5750 sf to 2500 sf, as well as removing limits on building impervious cover and height. WANG will continue to advocate for growth that aligns with our Neighborhood Plan and encourages more […]
The West Austin Neighborhood Group supports the preservation of the entire 141 acres and all 18 holes of Lions Municipal Golf Course (MUNY) as a historic public golf course and open green space. We are working with the Muny Conservancy and Save Historic Muny District to preserve MUNY in perpetuity, for the citizens of Austin […]
The Forever Green Tournament was held on Sept. 15th at the historic Lions Municipal Golf Course. This beloved annual tournament benefits the Muny Conservancy and its mission to Save Muny for Good! The 4 person scramble with 8 AM and 1 PM shotgun starts was followed by a party with BBQ dinner and music at at […]
“Sips & Songs for the Center” Featuring Monte Warden & the Wagoneers Friday, August 9, 2019 Doors open at 7:00 PM Music 8:00-10:00 PM The High Road Lodge, 700 Dawson Rd., Austin Join us for fun evening of live music benefitting The Friends of Austin State Supported Living Center. Cash bar – Silent Auction […]
You’re invited! Redbud Trail Bridge Project Open House Please join us for an informal open house on the Redbud Trail Bridge Replacement Project. Thursday, June 27, 2019 6 p.m. – 7:30 p.m. West Austin Youth Association (WAYA) 1314 Exposition Blvd. The purpose of this meeting is to provide you with an update on project activities and […]
Travis County is conducting a survey for how to proceed in the sale or lease of its Palm School site. In various resolutions and planning documents over the past several years, the City of Austin has consistently expressed interest in coordinating with Travis County to preserve Palm School as a public space, particularly because of […]
Please join us for a PUBLIC MEETING to discuss the Exposition Blvd. Water Improvements Project and related upcoming construction, and to hear updates from the contractor and project team. WHEN: Wednesday, March 27, 2019, 7 p.m. – 8 p.m. WHERE: O. Henry Middle School, 2610 West 10th St., Austin, TX 78703 CONTACT: Emlea Chanslor, […]
ACL 2018 info Click the links below for more information. February 2018 09-07-2018 final tcp packet ACL 2018 Info Flyer ACL18_Neighborhood_Letter_V10[1] final MAP_ACLToomeyAccess_08212018 MAP_BartSprPool_access_08212018
HOW TO ADVOCATE FOR LIONS MUNY GOLF COURSE City Council will be meeting later this year to consider the upcoming bond proposal for funding major capital projects in every district, including a strategic parkland acquisition funds that could be used toward the purchase of Lions Municipal Golf Course (Muny). HOW YOU CAN HELP To help […]
PLEASE attend Council Member Alison Alter’s town hall meeting on Monday, June 25th, 7-8 PM at Lion’s Municipal Golf Course (2901 Enfield Road, 78703) to discuss the future of our beloved Lions Municipal Golf Course and West Austin Youth Association. We need people there to show support of the City of Austin and UT reaching an agreement […]
ADDITIONAL PLANNING COMMISSION PUBLIC HEARING SCHEDULED The Planning Commission has scheduled an additional public hearing for later this month in advance of the City Council public hearing. Planning Commission Public Hearing Noon to 4 p.m. Tuesday, May 22, City Hall Council Chambers, 301 W. 2nd St. Austin City Council Public Hearing 10 a.m. Tuesday, May 29, at City […]
Joe Reynolds, a long time Allandale resident has worked on local flooding issues over the years. In 1981 he was on the Allandale Neighborhood Association Board and witnessed the destructive Shoal Creek flood. He has professional experience in modeling large systems. For his views on CodeNEXT’s impact on impervious cover see the following information. Article
TROWEL & ERROR! On April 7, from 9:30 a.m. to 1:00 p.m., Mayfield Park will host Trowel & Error, the Spring event that annually attracts gardeners from all over Central Texas to hear experts give time-tested tips for beautiful gardens. Although lectures begin at 10:00, the event “opens” at 9:30 for those early birds who […]
Call to Action — Request Bond Funds to Protect Neighborhood: Help protect the ‘hood by attending this Thursday’s Bond Election Advisory Task Force Meeting (Thursday, Jan. 4, 4pm at City Hall) and telling them to include funding in the 2018 Bond Package to purchase strategic properties as they become available, such as Lions Municipal Golf […]
Help protect the ‘hood by attending this Thursday’s Bond Election Advisory Task Force Meeting (Thursday, Jan. 4, 4pm at City Hall) and telling them to include funding in the 2018 Bond Package to purchase strategic properties as they become available, such as Lions Municipal Golf Course and the State Supported Living Center. During the Citizen […]
At the HPWBANA Annual Meeting on Tuesday, November 14 (6:30 @ Chez Zee, 5406 Balcones Drive), the topic will be “How CodeNEXT Will Impact Our Neighborhood,” featuring guest speakers Ed Wendler, Jr and Barbara McArthur.
This is the Biggest Thing You Can Do to Help Bees Article by: Christy Erickson With over 4,000 species in North America and Hawaii alone, you might think we’re doing alright when it comes to bees, even in the face of devastating honey bee hive collapses. But what you rarely hear about when it comes […]
ACL Festival Information for the Neighborhood Posted here are weblinks for ACL Fesival info, Park and city info and Transportation info. Posted here is a map of the Zilker is a map of the Zilker Area Posted here is a Barton Springs Pool access map. Posted here is a map of the bike routes […]
For those interested in learning more about the proposed CodeNext changes to our Land Development Code, please see this PowerPoint Presentation on CodeNext that was given to the Austin Neighborhood Council by Jim Duncan, Zoning and Platting Commission Vice Chair.
Join us to discuss the City of Austin’s proposed CodeNext rezoning plan to revise the Land Development Code which determines how land can be used throughout the city – including what, where, and how much can be built. Several of our central Austin neighborhoods will be significantly impacted by the rewrite of the land development […]
As shown in the posted here, WANG has requested that the City Council dramatically slow the process for adopting CodeNext. WANG is concerned that the proposed Code was first published very recently, has continued to be revised in the intervening weeks, and remains incomplete. While City staff and its consultants, Opticos, have had over four […]
You are invited to join Council Member Alison Alter, her staff, and your neighbors at a community meeting on CodeNEXT. CodeNEXT is the City of Austin’s initiative to rewrite the Land Development Code. The Land Development Code prescribes what can be built and where, and will have major implications on how Austin grows and changes. […]
At tomorrow’s board meeting for the West Austin Neighborhood Group (6pm at the Lions Municipal Golf Course Clubhouse), we will discuss CodeNext and how it may affect our neighborhood. One set of CodeNext maps with proposed zoning changes was released in April (…), and an updated map is being release soon based on citizen comments […]
Tarrytown Movie in the Park 2017 Please join your neighbors at the next movie in Tarrytown Park. Bring a blanket and join your neighbors for an evening under the stars. When: Friday, June 16th, 2017 Movie: Sing Pizza available for purchase at 6:30, movie begins at dusk. Corporate or family sponsorships available $250. Our Sponsors: […]
On April 1, from 9:30 am to 1:00 pm, Mayfield Park will host Trowel & Error, the Spring event that annually attracts gardeners from all over Central Texas to hear experts give time-tested tips for beautiful gardens. Although lectures begin at 10:00, the event “opens” at 9:30 for those early birds who want to purchase […]
Board meetings are held the first Tuesday of each month at 6:30PM at the Howson Branch, Austin Public Library, 2500 Exposition. A change in meeting time or location will be announced in advance. Everyone is welcome to attend.
Official website 2017 Kite Festival neighborhood summary Parking Map Kite Festival Map
Austin City Limits 2009 Music Festival will occur on October 7-9, 2016 at Zilker Park. Details posted at If you still need ACL tickets, WANG has 3-Day wrist bands for ACL Weekend Two that are available while they last, email or All proceeds benefiting WANG’s neighborhood fund. PARKING: Due to the increase […]
WEST AUSTIN NEIGHBORHOOD GROUP MINUTES June 6, 2016 BOARD OF DIRECTORS MEETING These are the minutes of the meeting of the West Austin Neighborhood Group Board of Directors (the “Board”) held Monday, June 6, 2016, at 6:30 p.m., at the Howson Public Library. I. Call to Order: The meeting was called to order by August […]
SUMMER FUN by: Cathy Kyle Summer arrived in full force last week, bringing unbearably hot and humid afternoons. The rains of early June seem a distant memory, although our lakes and streams are still wonderfully full. It’s the only time of year that you’re able to swim in Barton Creek! Despite the heat, there’s lots […]
Family Program: Recycled Robots at The Contemporary Austin at Laguna Gloria May 21 – 11a – 3p Put everyday materials together to form a robotic work of art, then stop by our animation station to bring your friend to live and watch it make art on its own! Brought to you by HomeAway. Reservations required. […]
THESE ARE THE GOOD OLD DAYS By: Cathy Kyle Austin is always best the day you move there. After that, it’s all downhill. Or at least, that’s the way it seems sometimes. You hear folks giving directions according to “where the Stallion used to be” or reminiscing about that great band they heard for the […]
Flags & Forts Family Program at Laguna Gloria Date April 9, 2016 Time 11a – 3p Location The Contemporary Austin at Laguna Gloria, 3809 W. 35th, Austin, Texas Short description Find your groove on the grounds of Laguna Gloria! Join us as we build a giant fort and experiment with fabric art inspired by the […]
At a public meeting in April 2015, the Watershed Protection Department proposed installing storm drains pipes down several streets in Tarrytown, including Rockmoor and Robinhood, to augment the existing storm drain system. The existing storm drain system, built in 1952, is undersized and drains to an underground cave. The capacity of the cave is unknown, […]
Please join your neighbors at the next movie in Tarrytown Park When: Saturday, May 14th, 2016 Food available for purchase at 6:30, movie begins at dusk. Corporate or family sponsorships available $250. Be sure to vote here on what movie you would prefer. Voting ends March 25! [poll id=”9″] If it is raining it will […]
• Event name Art Free-for-All • Date Saturday March 12th • Time 12 – 4 p.m. • Location The Contemporary Austin at Laguna Gloria, 3809 W. 35th • URL for more information Get to know all of The Contemporary Austin’s educational offerings during this free, family-friendly open house. Enjoy hands-on demonstrations by Art School […]
By August Harris, Immediate Past President, WANG What is a PUD and why does it matter to you? First, let me explain a little about PUD’s. A Planned Unit Development or PUD is a form of zoning intended as a planning tool for larger tracts of land. With traditional zoning, land uses tend to be […]
TROWEL & ERROR! On April 2, from 9:30 a.m. to 1:00 p.m., Mayfield Park will host Trowel & Error, the Spring event that annually attracts gardeners from all over Central Texas to hear experts give time-tested tips for beautiful gardens. Although lectures begin at 10:00, the event “opens” at 9:30 for those early birds who […]
LIONS MUNICIPAL GOLF COURSE, A NATIONAL REGISTER APPLICATION AND THE UT BOARD OF REGENTS THE CHALLENGE A new shirt available in the Pro Shop at Lions Municipal Golf Course proclaims, “Come And Take It” — a phrase used in both the American Revolution and the Texas Revolution indicating a refusal to concede without resistance. The […]
Explore the Landscape Legacy of Austin on November 21-22 with a tour of Austin’s historic landscapes, including not only the historic Mayfield Park and Lion’s Municipal Golf Course in our neighborhood, but 25 other significant parks, open spaces, and historic landscapes. Join The Cultural Landscape Foundation, the Austin Parks and Recreation Department, and local partners […]
MOPAC SOUTH ENVIRONMENTAL STUDY WORKSHOP The MoPac South Environmental Study workshop for stakeholders from Austin High School, Central Austin neighborhoods along the MoPac South corridor, and others who have shown an interest in Cesar Chavez Street is coming up soon! We look forward to sharing information about our recent efforts and hearing your input. The […]
The MoPac South Toll Road Expansion Community Forum at Austin High School was rescheduled to Monday, November 9th at 6:00pm. (rescheduled from Oct 13 to Nov 9). There is much new information to share and discuss – we will send more information soon. Commissioner Shea looks forward to seeing you on November 9!
Neighbors, The City Council will consider initiating the following code amendments regarding accessory (secondary) dwelling units (ADU) at the Council meeting on October 15, 2015. These are items 54 & 55 on the meeting agenda. 1. Reduce minimum lot size to 5750 square feet and apply it citywide including SF2 and SF3 zoned areas. 2. […]
Neighbors, Austin’s short-term rental problem makes the New York Times! Check out the comments to see the nationwide support for our cause! The Austin City Council will consider the following short-term rental (STR) proposals from Mayor Pro Tem Tovo at the Council meeting on Thursday, October 15, 2015: • Initiate a phased-in process to […]
Get the latest on the MoPac South Environmental Study at a Nov. 10 Open House WHAT: Open House WHEN: Tuesday, Nov. 10, 2015, 3 – 7 p.m. WHERE: Palmer Events Center, 900 Barton Springs Road Meeting Rooms 1 – 5, Level 2 Parking is complimentary in the Palmer Parking Garage adjacent to the facility with […]
Here are two meetings for neighborhood folks upset about parking, noise, etc. caused by ACL The Parkland Events Task Force (PETF) needs your input regarding events on parkland. You can provide input: • On • By texting “Events” to 512-643-5627 • By sending an email to: • By attending PETF meetings: The […]
Neighborhood ANNUAL SOCIAL Join us for P. Terry’s Burgers!! Sun – Oct 18th, 11am – 2:00pm TARRYTOWN PARK The Mobility Committee will meet on Wednesday, October 07, 2015 at 3:00 PM, AUSTIN CITY HALL 301 W. SECOND STREET AUSTIN, TEXAS Ann Kitchen, Chair Sheri Gallo, Vice Chair Delia Garza Don Zimmerman AGENDA A quorum of the City Council may be present at this meeting. Action will only be taken by the […]
To be held at Austin High School from 6:00 – 8:00PM, Wednesday October 7
Please join us for a Town Hall Meeting hosted by State Representative Donna Howard Ask Rep. Howard questions about the 84th Legislative Session, share your concerns about what’s going on in House District 48, or just listen to what others have to say. These meetings will be informal, so feel free to come and go […] DATE Wednesday October 14, 2015 6:30pm – 8:00pm LOCATION Austin High School 1715 W. Cesar Chavez St. Austin, TX Lamar Beach Master Plan Vision Workshop and Public Meeting The public meeting will include the following activities: a 30-minute open house starting at 6:30, and a 60-minute interactive presentation beginning at 7 p.m. The project […]
ACL is again upon us. The following information should be helpful: Maps – Neighborhood letter and “fridge” map ACL closures – city version (handy at a glance map) Barton Springs Pool access routes Final No Parking Maps Shuttle Route Map (advisory if you need it) Phone numbers 512-806-7906 (everyone’s call-in number) – post this one FORTHCOMING (back […]
PRESIDENT’S MESSAGE by: Cathy Kyle Last Friday night, neighbors converged on Tarrytown Park for a screening of Big Hero Six. The park was full of kids of all ages and their parents, spread out on blankets, playing soccer, running around the gaga ball pit, and enjoying a fine late summer evening. Kudos to Board Member […]
Evolution of West Austin Subdivisions By: Wanda Garcia During the late 1889s residential growth in Austin boomed. When Austin was selected the capital of Texas, land values automatically increased and wealthy citizens began to think in terms of real estate investments and development. The marketing of Austin as an ideal residential city by the city […]
Davis WTP 8-5 Meeting Flyer Dear Neighbors and stakeholders, See attached flyer for the upcoming second public information meeting the City of Austin is holding about the Davis Water Treatment Plant Improvement projects and the 35th street Austin Energy underground electrical service Project. Meeting flyers are in the process of being mailed out […]
Attend the “Save It, Don’t Pave It” Rally to help protect our neighborhood from the CTRMA toll road plan to expand MoPac on the south side of the Lady Bird Lake by building a double-decker bridge over the lake. You can make a difference! Join with us this coming Saturday, May 2nd, at 10:30 […]
Beginning Sunday night, April 26th, the exit ramp to Lake Austin Boulevard from southbound MoPac will be temporarily closed for work related to the MoPac Express Project. The ramp will be closed for a minimum of 30 days and the closure could be extended. Travelers will be detoured. The closure is needed for MoPac Express […]
On Monday, April 20, 2015 (6:30 p.m.) at Howson Branch Public Library, the Central West Austin Combined Neighborhood Plan Contact Team will meet to consider the following agenda items: Roll Call – 6:30 pm Joyce Basciano, Mike Cannatti, Michael Curry, August Harris, Frank Hartman, Roya Johnson, Jerry Lloyd, Mark Nixon, Tomas Pantin, Blake Tollett, Betty Trent, […]
March 31, 2015 CWANPCT Meeting Agenda The Central West Austin Combined Neighborhood Planning Contact Team will meet on Tuesday, March 31, 2015 (6:30PM) at Howson Branch Library to discuss the proposed Future Land Use Map (FLUM) amendment (NPA-2015-0027.01 (plan amendment) and C14-2015-0023 (zoning change)) for 1506 W. 34th Street.
Please join your neighbors at the next movie in Tarrytown Park 2015 Movie in Tarrytown Park Flyer Underwritten by Grande Communications. When: Friday, September 18th at 6:30 p.m. Gaga Ball, food available for purchase and the movie begins at dark. Corporate or family sponsorships available $250. Be sure to vote here on what movie you […]
CENTRAL TEXAS REGIONAL MOBILITY AUTHORITY will be hosting an open house for the public: West Austin Open House MoPAC Improvement Project – under construction MoPAC South Environmental Study Wednesday, March 4th – 5:30 pm to 7:30 pm O.Henry Middle School Cafeteria No formal presentations – come and go For more information, go to:
Board Meeting Agenda February 5, 2015 (7 pm) – Howson Branch Library On Thursday, February 5, 2015 (7:00 p.m.) at Howson Branch Public Library, the Central West Austin Combined Neighborhood Plan Contact Team will meet to consider the following agenda items: Roll Call – 7:00 pm Joyce Basciano, Mike Cannatti, Michael Curry, Craig Duewall, August […]
On Thursday, November 13 (5:30-7:00 pm, Austin High School cafeteria), the Austin High PTSA is sponsoring a neighborhood meeting to address traffic safety concerns potentially affecting Austin High. As shown in the map below, two traffic projects are located near the entrance to Austin High, and include (1) a proposed construction of the MoPac managed […]
Noel Bridges, a new Save Muny volunteer, has put together statements from the Mayoral Candidates and the District 10 Candidates about Lions Municipal Golf Course. (She contacted all the campaigns and asked them to send statements re Saving Muny – and she got a very good response!!!) Please check it out —
On Sunday September 14th (4-6 PM), the District 10 Candidate Forum was held at the Harris Bell Hall at Westminster Manor, 4100 Jackson Avenue. We have very strong candidates in District 10, and the Forum provided a chance to address neighborhood concerns regarding growth, development, traffic, and many other topics. Hosted by Bryker Woods […]
Deep Eddy “No Parking” Map 2014 Austin City Limits Festival Neighborhood Quick Reference Web Links Event Detailsand ClosurePeriods Load In Commences September 22, Monday Stratford Road Closed September 24, 25 Concert Schedule October 3-5, Hours: 11 am – 10 pm daily Roads/Park South Opens October 6-9 (see specific park details below) Schedule […]
On Monday, September 29, 2014 (6:30 p.m. to 8:00 p.m.) at Howson Branch Public Library, 1105 E. Cesar Chavez, the Central West Austin Combined Neighborhood Plan Contact Team will meet to consider a proposed plan amendment for 1108 West 31st Street. Meetings details posted at the NPA Case Info. The applicant is requesting an amendment […]
The Tarrytown Fourth of July parade was another great success, complete with Color Guard from Camp Mabry, our own Big Red No. 10 Fire Truck, a procession of cars and bikes and floats and other platforms for distributing candy and smiles to the parade watchers, and a lovely party at Reed Park with ‘freshments from […]
The Camp Mabry track will be closed for renovations starting June 23, 2014. The track is schedule to re-open in August, weather permitting. Please click on the following documented for more information: 2014.06.09 Camp Mabry Track Revamp Press Release
Parks News Walsh Boat Landing Public Meeting 04/28/2014 The Austin Parks and Recreation Department invites the community to a Walsh Boat Landing Public Meeting on Wednesday, May 14, 2014, 6:30 – 7:30 pm at the Howson Library, 2500 Exposition Blvd. The Department will be providing information about parking lot improvements to the Walsh Boat Landing […]
HELP SHAPE MOBILITY IMPROVEMENTS ALONG MOPAC The Central Texas Regional Mobility Authority and the Texas Department of Transportation will host an Open House this Aprilfor proposed improvements to MoPac between Cesar Chavez Street and Slaughter Lane. Join us to discuss the purpose and need of the project, preliminary alternatives being developed, and draft evaluation criteria. […]
2014 Family Water Festival On Sunday, April 13, 2014, 10:00 a.m. – 3:00 p.m., the Colorado River Alliance (CRA) will host the 2014 Family Water Festival at Fiesta Gardens on the shores of Ladybird Johnson Lake. The Family Water Festival will be filled with 4 bands, 40 booths with engaging activities, free workshops, and exhibitors […]
On April 17, 2014, the City Council will consider proposed code amendments creating a Lake Austin (LA) District District overlay extending environmental protections from the existing LA base zoning district to properties within 1,000 feet of Lake Austin. Details on the proposed ordinance are posted at, and relate to boat dock registration, boat dock […]
The Trowel and Error Mayfield Gardening Symposium will take place Saturday April 5th, 2014 from 9:30AM – 1:00PM at Mayfield Park 3505 West 35th Street (Next to Laguna Gloria). The annual fundraising event for Mayfield Park, this year’s event is for gardeners from all over Central Texas coming to hear experts give time-tested tips for beautiful […]
On Wednesday, March, 12, 2014 (6:30 p.m. to 8:00 p.m.) at Terrazas Branch Public Library, 1105 E. Cesar Chavez, the Central West Austin Combined Neighborhood Plan Contact Team will meet to consider a proposed plan amendment for 2208 Lake Austin Blvd. Meetings details posted NPA-2014-0027.01_Cmty MtgNotice. After the conclusion of the meeting, the NPCT will […]
On February 6, 2014, Austin Java was evicted from the Tarrytown Shopping Center for non-payment of rent and other charges. That’s too bad. They had some good food and yummy beers on tap, and was a nice neighborhood hangout spot. I guess they weren’t charging enough for the vegan veggie burgers! After opening on November […]
To discuss the proposed “Elm Terrace” development at 3215 Exposition (Case No. C14-2013-0136) and its land use designation in connection with the Central West Austin Combined Neighborhood Plan and Future Land Use Map, the Central West Austin Combined Neighborhood Plan Contact Team will conduct a meeting of the Executive Committee on Monday, Jan. 13, 2014 […]
The Austin State Supported Living Center will hold their “Tree of Lights Celebration” on Tuesday, December 3, 2013 (Thursday, Dec. 5 if bad weather on Tuesday). Starting at 5:45 PM, there will be activities and games, and at 6:30PM, the entertainment and tree lighting will begin. Located at 2203 W. 35th Street in the Front […]
For the redistricting junkies out there, here are some articles on topic: Austin Chronicle, Nov. 15, 2013, “Point Austin: It’s a Map, Not a Revolution” ( Austin Chronicle, Nov. 15, 2013, “Redistricting: Making (Almost) Everyone Happy” ( The most entertaining quote is below (though the ICRC apparently didn’t realize when “Tarrytown” was addressing them in […]
On Nov. 6, the ICRC approved the Final Draft 10-1 Redistricting Map (set forth below and at the Final ICRC Draft Map link). Before a final vote on the Final Draft Map, there will be two public hearings, Wednesday, Nov. 13 (6:30-10 pm at the The Lodge, 700 Dawson Road) and Thursday, Nov. 14 (6:30-10 […]
The ICRC’s revisions to the 10-1 map from this Saturday’s work session now divides our neighborhood into two districts. At the moment, the area north of Windsor and west of MoPac is grouped with a new District 10 covering Northwest Hills, and the remainder of our neighborhood (north of Windsor, including Brykerwoods and Pemberton) is […]
October 29, 2013 Central West Austin Neighborhood Plan Contact Team Statement and Proposed City Council Map to ICRC: CWANPCT-Redistricting-Map-Letter
The last meeting for public comments to the Independent Citizens Redistricting Commission (ICRC) regarding the single-member districts in the Official Preliminary Map is Wednesday, Oct. 30, 2013 at 6:30 pm at the Asian American Resource Center. (Meeting details posted here). Many neighbors have expressed concern about the proposed ICRC map and its proposed District 7 […]
In the interest of informing the West Austin neighborhood, posted below are some different voting district maps being considered for possible implementation of new “single-member” districts for electing City Council members from 10 geographical single-member districts. Stakeholders from around the city are proposing maps that could affect the West Austin neighborhoods, depending on how we […]
West Austin Neighborhood Group (WANG) Annual Social Saturday 19 October at Tarrytown Park 11- 2 You are invited to join your neighbors this coming Saturday at Tarrytown Park to socialize, eat Hat Creek burgers and chips, talk to the camera about our neighborhood history, and discuss the City’s proposed single-member district plan which will create […]
September 26, 2013 Public Outreach Meeting To Discuss Neighborhood Plan Prioritization: The Central West Austin Combined Neighborhood Plan Contact Team (CWACNPCT) is inviting public input from our planning area to prioritize the capital improvement program (CIP) projects from our Neighborhood Plan for implementation. To discuss CIP prioritization, there will be a meeting on Thursday, September 26, […]
On behalf of the Central West Austin Combined Neighborhood Plan Contact Team (CWACNPCT), we are inviting public input from and through the neighborhood associations (WANG, Bryker Woods, and Pemberton Heights) for our planning area to prioritize the capital improvement program (CIP) projects from our Neighborhood Plan for implementation. We will be meeting Thursday, September 26, […]
The Region 1 Central West and North Central District Representatives will host a Commander’s Forum from 6:30 p.m. to 8:00 p.m. on Wednesday, October 2, 2013 to share information and talk about community concerns with residents and business owners. The forum will take place at the McCallum High School, 5600 Sunshine Drive, Austin, 78756. Topics […]
Dear Friends of Mount Bonnell, The the West Point Society of Central Texas is sponsoring our 11th major clean-up of one of Austin’s most cherished landmarks, the Mount Bonnell Fall Clean-up in conjunction with the Austin Parks Foundation and National Public Lands Day. Come out to “the top of Austin” and give your energies to […]
On Monday, July 29, at 8 pm at Howson Branch Library, the Central West Austin Neighborhood Plan Contact Team (NPCT) will conduct a Regular Meeting to address the following agenda items: 1. Request to File Out-Of-Cycle Plan Amendment for 2208 Lake Austin Boulevard: The Planning Contact Team Executive Committee (PCT) will meet with Applicant on […]
Not all solicitors are just there to sell you something. Check out the following information to help you protect yourself. Solicitor Safety
The Region I Central West and North Central District Representatives will host a Commander’s Forum from 7:00 p.m. to 8:30 p.m. on Tuesday, July 2, 2013 to share information and talk about community concerns with residents and business owners. The forum will take place at the Austin Cornerstone Church, 1101 Reinli Street, Austin, 78723. Topics […]
Tarrytown Annual Fourth of July Parade Planning is well under way for the Tarrytown Fourth of July Parade. As always, the route will be from the corner of Windsor and Exposition to Pecos and then concluding at Reed Park where food, fun and merriment await. Floats line up between 7:45 and 8:45AM and the Parade […]
TXDoT, CAMPO, and the City of Austin are hosting a series of open houses to get public feedback on changes to IH-35. The meetings will be held at Akins High School Cafeteria on June 25th from 3-7PM First United Methodist Church of Pflugerville on June 26th from 3-7PM Kealing Middle School Cafeteria on June 27th […]
MAYOR LEFFINGWELL INVITES COMMUNITY TO TAKE SHORT SURVEY ABOUT VOLUNTEERING Feedback from survey will assist in development of volunteer initiatives to service the community AUSTIN, TX – Mayor Lee Leffingwell is asking Austinites to share their insights and opinions on volunteering to develop more effective resources. By filling out a short online survey, community members will impact […]
Kick off the 2013 Summer Junior Tour with the 4th Annual Lloyd Morrison Junior sponsored by: Save Muny. Flyer WHEN: Thursday, June 6, 2013 FORMAT: 4-person Scramble DIVISIONS: 12 & Under; 18 & Under *Team based on oldest player in 4-some TIME: 12&Under – 7:30AM Tee Times 18&Under – 8:30AM Shotgun Start INCLUDES: Hotdog Lunch […]
Google Fiber is officially coming to Austin! Pricing has not yet officially been announced. From initial reports, it should be very competitive. They’ll probably prioritize installation based on interest from zip codes. So please fill out this form, even if you don’t intend on getting it (although Free is a pretty good price):
The Drug Enforcement Administration (DEA) has scheduled another National Prescription Drug Take-Back Day which will take place on Saturday, April 27th, from 10:00 a.m. to 2:00 p.m. This is a great opportunity for those who missed the previous events, or who have subsequently accumulated unwanted, unused prescription drugs, to safely dispose of those medications. Their […]
Neighbors, FYI: In celebration of Earth Day, which is Monday, April 22nd, there will be an e-waste pick-up at Kealing Middle School on Saturday, April 20th from 9am-3pm. Electronic Recycling and Trading (ERT) will have a station, probably in the back parking lot, and families are encouraged to drop off their unwanted/old/broken computers, laptops, monitors, […]
The Trowel and Error Mayfield Gardening Symposium will take place Saturday April 6th, 2013 from 9:30AM – 1:00PM at Mayfield Park 3505 West 35th Street (Next to Laguna Gloria). You won’t want to miss Trowel & Error Saturday, April 6th at Mayfield Park featuring three dynamic and knowledgeable garden experts, Jay White~~ Currently “working very […]
Please join Recycled Reads, the Austin Public Library’s used bookstore for our 4th Anniversary Celebration. The free and family friendly event will run from noon to 6:00 pm this Saturday, March 2nd. There will be live music and craft demos throughout the day in addition to a puppet show at 1:00 pm. All proceeds support […]
Public meeting to discuss landscape improvements at Mt. Bonnell Feb. 20, 6:30 – 7:30 Mayfield House Meeting Notice and Information
Here is information about the tree planting in Reed Park on Jan. 18 from Mateo Scoggins in Watershed Protection. Mateo spoke to the WANG board several months ago about his efforts in working with PARD to improve the streambanks of creeks in various city parks, including Reed Park… Planting runs for 9:00AM – 12:00PM
PRESS RELEASE January 11, 2013 Contact and Sponsorship Information: Steve Wiener / / 512-626-4025 – cell Event Registration: or Save Muny Presents: “Run for the Green” 5K: Lions Municipal Golf Course – 2901 Enfield Road March 3, 2013 8:00 a.m. – 10 AM. Imagine Running a 5K Where Ben Hogan […]
Social Good Summit ATX: The Social Good Summit Austin is challenging Central Texans to work from home on Friday, February 8, 2013, with the goal of getting 10,000 vehicles off the roads. We realize that not everyone is able to telecommute, but some number of employees within almost every organization are able to for periods of […]
Retrofitting Suburban Spaces into Lively Places: Creating Neighborhoods and Districts We Love: Ellen Dunham-Jones, Professor of Architecture and Urban Design, Georgia Tech School of Architecture Ellen Dunham-Jones, an award-winning architect, author and professor will share a lecture on opportunities to redevelop low-density areas. Hear how strip malls, office parks and cul-de-sac subdivisions can become new […]
Imagine Austin’s Compacted & Connected Speaker Series: Tuesday, January 15 1:00 – 2:30 p.m. What’s in the Subdivision Regulations: An overview of Other Cities’ Subdivision Regulation Approaches, as identified in the Center for Transportation Research’s Recommended Changes to the City of Austin Subdivision Regulations and Transportation Criteria Manual February 5 10:00 – 11:30 a.m.: Context-Sensitive […]
Spread the word throughout your neighborhoods! The City of Austin will usher in 2013 by hosting Austin’s New Year (A.N.Y.), a family-friendly and alcohol-free celebration at Auditorium Shores, 950 W. Riverside Drive. Latin rock band Del Castillo tops an impressive line-up of performers and entertainment, including El Tule, Edison Chair, and Sue Young. The third […]
TAYLOR SLOUGH/REED PARK CREEK BACTERIA: The Texas Commission on Environmental Quality will hold a public meeting to develop a citizen-based plan to reduce bacteria levels in four Austin streams. The meeting will be held on Wednesday, Nov. 28, 2012 from 6:30-8:00 p.m. at One Texas Center, 505 Barton Springs Road, Room 325. Parking is available […]
The Code Compliance Department is responsible for licensing and regulating Short Term Rentals (STRs–Types 1 and 2). If you are unreasonably disturbed by the bad behavior of occupants be sure to report it to 311 if it’s non-emergency, and 911 if it’s an emergency, situation. Useful information for Code Compliance inspectors includes: the number of […]
Tree of Lights Tuesday Dec. 4 Music by Sara Hickman, AuSSLC Community Choir, and the Austin Chamber Music Center Please see Tree of Lights Invite for details.
On Thursday, Sept. 30, 2010, Austin City Council approved the Central West Austin Neighborhood Plan. While we are disappointed that Council did not agree to include the Brackenridge Tract in the Plan, we appreciate Councilmember Riley’s efforts to strengthen the language in the plan relating to the Brack Tract. Details on the Brack Tract issue […]
Austin City Limits Festival Friday, Saturday, & Sunday October 12, 13, 14th, 2012 11 am to 10 pm Daily The following links include information about parking, traffic control, and other details. Austin City Limits Festival WANG Flyer Deep Eddy ACL Parking Maps ACL Neighborhood parking maps The West Austin Neighborhood and Deep Eddy are […]
Dear Neighborhood Friends, We are delighted to extend an invitation to you and local neighborhood association members and their families to attend University of Texas’ National Night Out celebration at University Apartments (Brackenridge complex: Jasper Park, 3501 Lake Austin Blvd. ) this coming Saturday evening September 29, from 5:00 p.m. to 8:00 p.m. Dr. […]
Spooktacular Seek and Sprint benefiting the residents of the Austin State Supported Living Center October 20, 2012. See Spooktacular Flyer for time, location and details.
Enjoy a free movie under the stars in Tarrytown Park! Sep t 22 The super-extra-good times start at 5:30 with a free bounce house, P. Terry’s, & Jim Jims available for purchase, then at around 7:30 we will watch Parent Trap Flyer: 85x11flierB Hello block captains and a few extras! Below is the invitation for the 5th Annual Fall […]
Dear Neighborhood Leaders, The West Point Society of Central Texas has scheduled a clean-up of Covert Park at Mount Bonnell for Saturday morning on the 29th of September between 9 and 11. We are looking for 30 volunteers ages 15 and up to pick up litter in the parking lot and on the trails and […]
Following is the latest installment in our Sunday Venture Out feature. Deep Eddy spurred by dam breach Background As many of you know, PARD has been working with Michael Barnes at the Statesman on a regular feature with a focus on the outdoors, including parks and park stories. The feature runs every Sunday on […]
You are cordially invited to join the staff and volunteers of the Texas Military Forces Museum and the Texas Military Forces Historical Foundation for our upcoming “Dog Tags and Dice” Casino Night fundraiser at the Texas Military Forces Museum. Payments buttons will be available on the website ( today or you can call or stop […]
ANC Resolution-Final (Austin Neighborhood Council Final Resolution Regarding Short Term Residential Rentals in Single Family Zoning Districts) STR Audit Maps (Maps showing locations of STRs) ANC STR FAQ This fact/summary sheet from the ANC committee on Short Term Rentals is meant to clarify the intent of the resolution and to dispel misinformation regarding it. We […]
City of Austin Parks Departments and Watershed Protection are teaming up to restore native vegetation to creeks in parks all over Austin which will improve water quality as well as aid reducing flooding. Locally, there are two parks with planned proects. For details, see the links below: Reed Park restoration fact sheet Tarrytown Park restoration […]
For details go to: Who: Home Depot and Scott Johnson What: The Central Texas Electric Lawnmower Program When: Saturday, April 7th from 8:30am-2pm Where: Only at the Mueller Home Depot at 1200 Barbara Jordan at 51st St. (Next to Best Buy) Why: To help folks save money when they upgrade their polluting gas-powered mower […]
Camp Mabry is hosting an open house in April. Bring the whole family to see the helicopters, firetrucks, police cars, and artillery! OpenHouse_Flyer_FINAL
Trowel and Error 2012 is upon us! Please click on the link below for more info. TROWELarea newsletters
Butterfly gardening can be a wonderful way to invite nature into your backyard. With a little knowledge on local butterflies and the correct plants, you can create a garden that allows you to watch butterflies in various life stages. Adult butterflies feed on nectar, gathering it from flowers. Larvae, or caterpillars, feed on plant foliage, so if you do not like to have your plants eaten by insects, butterfly gardening may not be for you.
On March 3rd, the Austin Parks Foundation is hosting “It’s my Park Day” – a citywide park service day. For more information, and to sign up for a park near you, please click the following link:
Poster PRESS RELEASE Please join us for the Save Muni 5K Run Sunday, February 5th, 2012. Save Muni 5K Run Flyer Here is a link to being able to sign up for the Race on the Event Brite website: Here is a link that shows the Race routing on the golf course:
What are you doing this weekend for MLK Day? It’s our only national holiday about social justice, yet too often, MLK Day feels like a Hallmark Card. This year, let’s do it differently. Rebuild the Dream members are hosting MLK Meet-ups across the country to celebrate Dr. King — the original Occupier — and link […]
On December 6, 2011, a meeting was held to discuss the planning effort being undertaken by Camp Mabry. The stated purpose of the planning effort is to “improve the appearance” and raise awareness of the facility to the community because “it’s time to open back up” after the 9/11 lockdown. In short, officials at Camp […]
I am the managing librarian for Howson Branch Library. I would like to let our neighbors know that we are hosting writer Carolyn Bock McBride on February 25, 2012 at 11:00 a.m. She has written Fireflies in a Jar : growing up in Austin 1930-56, her memoir of growing up in the Bock house on […]
Friends of Red Bud Isle, Due to recent rains & great planting conditions, the Austin Parks & Recreation Department has changed the date for the “Ready, Set, Plant” event at Red Bud Isle. The event has been moved up to Saturday, December 17th, from 9 am – Noon. If you are already signed up you don’t […]
The Livestrong Austin Marathon will take place Sunday February 19, 2012. There will be multiple street and intersection closures in our neighborhood. Please refer to the following PDF file links for detailed information. 2012-austin_raceroute_2011-11-01 Traffic Guide Some major intersections will have volunteer race marshals available to give directions to get around closures and bad intersections. […]
Join usfor Jazz on the Green! Friday from 6:30 – 8:00 NAJO Jazz Orchestra will be playing at The Sanctuary ( 2614 Exposition Boulevard Austin, TX 78703 ) Fun for the whole family! Hot dogs, popcorn, refreshments and entertainment! ….. and it’s free! No need to RSVP. Just come out, meet new friends (maybe see some […]
The Friends of Red Bud Isle recently hosted a workday to clean up and improve the park. Visit our Red Bud Isle page for links and more info.
The WANG Annual Social was a great success this year. Along with great burgers from P-Terry’s, we also filmed a documentary – “The Best Little Hamburger House in Texas”. Neighbors shared their memories about the HolidayHouse, and their thoughts about its loss. Here are some pictures from the event For more pictures, please see our […]
As graduate students at the University of Texas at Austin, we are conducting a research study to explore motor vehicle crash histories of Austin area residents. Motor vehicle crashes pose a serious threat to the wellbeing of any community: on average, one Texas citizen is killed in a motor vehicle collision about every 3 hours. Furthermore, one […]
Austin Green & Growing Garden Series Howson Branch, Austin Public Library 2500 Exposition Blvd. Saturday, October 1st and Saturday, October 15th October 1st 11:30 a.m. BCSI: Botanical Crime Scene Investigation Plant detective Denise Delaney from the City of Austin Grow Green program demonstrates how to diagnose plant problems and gives valuable gardening tips for […]
Heads up — Run For the Water runners will be passing through West Austin on Sunday morning, October 30, 2011. Door hangers were distributed in main effected areas — let’s cheer on the runners as they are raising funds to provide clean drinking water to impoverished villages in Burundi as well as funds for the […]
The Howson Family Matinee is coming to the Howson Branch of the Austin Public Library this summer. Visit Saturdays at 2:00 throughout the summer! For more information, please see the following flyer: AHO_MovieNight_Flyer
Visit the Howson Branch of the Austin Public Library the first Wednesday of every month for Literature Out Loud.
Typhus has recently been reported in our area. As new information is made available, we will post it here. Typhus illness has been in the Austin area since 2008. Typhus symptoms are high fever, headache, body aches and pains and, in some cases, a rash. This disease is transmitted from infected fleas and is not […]
6:00PM – 8:00PM O. Henry Middle School Cafeteria 2610 West 10th Street, Austin Old West Austin & Clarksville – Thursday, June 23rd West Austin – Thursday, June 30th Old Enfield & Pemberton Heights – Tuesday, July 12th Bryker Woods – Thursday, July 14th NOTE different location for Bryker Woods meeting: Bryker Woods Elem. School Cafeteria […]
On Monday, July 4th at 9AM, the TWENTY-FIRST Annual Tarrytown 4th of July Parade and Picnic will be presented 80’s Style! We are going back to when the idea of this parade first began: Back in Time to 1989! To a time when downsizing was the name and simple was the game. When: Batman, The […]
FRIENDS OF THE PARKS OF AUSTIN Trowel and ErrorMayfield Park Gardening SymposiumSaturday, April 2, 2011 Rain or shine!!9:30 A.M. – 1 PMMayfield Park 3505 W. 35th Street, Austin, Texas (next to Laguna Gloria Art Museum) On April 2, historic Mayfield Park combines topics dear to the heart of Central Texas gardeners in a series […]
Dear Neighbors, It is time to participate in the next step of the process to change Tarrytown Neighborhood Park: When: Tuesday, January 31, 2012 6:00 P.M. Where: Tarrytown Neighborhood Park Purpose: A walk through of the proposed site Decide whether to adopt the new proposed designs (sent to you on 12/30/2011) Next Steps: IF ADOPTED: […]
West Enfield Pool Improvement Meeting: A public input meeting will be conducted to discuss pool and landscape improvements at Deep Eddy Pool will on Wednesday, Dec. 8, 2010 (6-7:30 pm) at the PARD Aquatics Office, 401 Deep Eddy Avenue (next to Deep Eddy Pool). This will be the second public input meeting, and will include […]
Deep Eddy Pool Improvement Meeting: A public input meeting will be conducted to discuss pool and landscape improvements at Deep Eddy Pool will on Wednesday, Dec. 8, 2010 (7:30-9 pm) at the PARD Aquatics Office, 401 Deep Eddy Avenue (next to Deep Eddy Pool). This will be the second public input meeting, and will include […]
On Friday afternoon (Oct. 22, 2:30-4:30 pm), the National Trust for Historic Places will film interviews at Waterloo Records (600 N. Lamar) with people in our central city area about what we treasure and wish to preserve about Austin. The interviews are part of a documentary being prepared in conjunction with the NTHP Convention that […]
3rd ANNUAL FALL PARTY Sponsored by Grande Communications Sunday, October 17th 3 – 6 p.m. in Tarrytown Park DJ*2 Bounce Houses*Putting Game*Go Fish*Craft Tent Smoked Ribs*Pizza*Snow Cones*Popcorn*Keg*Maine Root Drinks Friends of Tarrytown Park Hats and Monkey Bracelets for Sale and Bake Sale! VOLUNTEER HELP: Julie Schlitt at BAKE SALE DONATION: Heather Bishop at […]
The West Austin Neighborhood Group will be hosting our Annual Social and Meeting Sunday, October 24 from 11:00AM to 2:00PM at Mayfield Park. We hope that you will join us. This year, in addition to updates and discussion on both the Brackenridge Tract and the Neighborhood Plan, we will focus on our much loved neighborhood […]
TxDOT and the Mobility Authority invite you to attend one of two open house meetings to learn more about the MoPac Improvement Project. Information will be provided about the history of the project, the scenarios being studied, the environmental process and project timeline. Attendees will also have the opportunity to review materials, speak with TxDOT […]
The final City Council hearing for the Central West Austin Neighborhood Plan is next Thursday (September 23, 2010, beginning at 2:00 pm), and there are two glaring problems that need to be fixed. The first problem is the exclusion of the Brackenridge Tract from the Plan. Details on the Brack Tract issue are posted here, […]
During first reading, Council approved a “Neighborhood Mixed Use” (NMU) land use designation for the property. This needs to be changed because it would allow the property owner (Jeanne Daniels) to convert the entire property on both sides of Exposition to residential use (e.g., multifamily or residential). To address this problem, the neighborhood stakeholders are […]
SUBMIT A LETTER TO THE EDITOR To submit a letter to the editor, click: (Austin American-Statesman) (Austin Chronicle) (Austin Business Journal) CONTACT AUSTIN CITY COUNCIL AND STAFF Email all City Council Members using the page at Mayor: Lee Leffingwell, 974-2250, Policy Director: Amy Everhart, 974-2250, Place 1: Chris Riley, […]
After three years of hard work, negotiation and compromise, City Council considered on first reading the proposed Central West Austin Neighborhood Plan. Although Council approved the neighborhood’s requested limitations on new development, Council decided to exclude the Brackenridge Tract, which includes the West Austin Youth Association and Lions Municipal Golf Course. This exclusion prevents us […]
If you are not concerned about UT’s plans for Brackenridge because you’re planning on selling your house when UT starts building out Brack, here is list of some excellent local real estate companies who can help sell your home before UT adds 12-15 million sq. ft of development with up to 9,900 residents in 6,645 […]
The Central Texas Regional Mobility Authority (Mobility Authority) is studying options to improve mobility in the MoPac Corridor (Loop 1) between downtown Austin and Parmer Lane. As part of that effort, a survey is being conducted of drivers who routinely use MoPac to help us better understand how they use MoPac. The survey should require […]
Traffic Study Survey: As reported at, CTRMA is running a traffic study Sept 12-30. In addition, an online survey for drivers who have recently used MoPac between Parmer and Cesar Chavez is available at This survey will help planners determine what types of improvements offer the best opportunity to improve mobility in the […]
On May 10, 2010, State Representative Elliot Naishtat wrote to the Board of Regents Subcommittee to describe the significance of the Brackenridge Tract, both as a “lynch pin of the West Austin neighborhood” and as part of the City’s early desegregation history, and to recommend that the future of the Brackenridge Tract be considered in […]
West Austin News, Vol. 23, Issue 41 (August 26, 2010) City Council Says “No Thanks” to Neighborhood Plan for Brackenridge Tract By Martha DeGrasse After three years of hard work, negotiation and compromise, the West Austin residents finally saw the proposed Central West Austin Neighborhood Plan put before the City Council last week. Although the […]
On August 19 , 2010, City Council met to consider our neighborhood plan on first reading. The plan was based on “consensus” decisions from plan stakeholders over the course of three years of meetings, although City Staff has its own recommendations which sometimes departed from “consensus.” In addition, the Planning Commission reviewed the Plan and […]
Motion # / Description Planning Commission Recommendation Neighborhood Stakeholders Recommendation Motion 1: Uncontested portions of CWACNP Approved Motion 2: Uncontested rezoning recommendations Approved Motion 3: Contested land use recommendation L.6.2 related to Austin State School NP SC Recommendation: “…Redevelopment should result in harmonious residential development near the existing residential areas and concentrate the more intensive […]
On August 10, 2010, the Texas Department of Transportation will hold a public meeting to glean public opinion on the state’s developing rail plan. The meeting will be held in the hearing room of TxDOT’s Austin district office, 7901 N. I-35, from 6-8 p.m., and is one of nine meetings TxDOT will hold across the […]
Howson Branch Library Family Film Night will show the movie, “Where the Wild Things Are,” on Tuesday, August 3, 2010 at 6:30 pm. This movie is the 2009 American fantasy drama film directed by Spike Jonze and adapted from Maurice Sendak’s 1963 children’s book Where the Wild Things Are, where Max, a disobedient little boy […]
Neighborhood Planning Update: The City Council will hear the first reading for the Central West Austin Combined Neighborhood Plan on July 29th at 6:00PM, but there is a possibility the hearing will be re-scheduled due to budget issues that are also scheduled for that day.
TxDOT has finalized the contracts for the restart of the MoPac1 sound wall/managed lane project. The restart Open Houses are planned for September. The NEPA environmental process will take approximately two years. From the TxDOT MoPac1 website ( Project Resumes After a two-year pause due to funding constraints, the MoPac 1 project is about to […]
Work has begun to apply an improved type of surface to MoPac/Loop 1 between Lake Austin and RM 2222. TxDOT crews will apply what is known as a Permeable Friction Course (PFC) that has a number of advantages over standard asphalt concrete pavement surfaces, including reduced risk of hydroplaning, significantly reduced splash and spray during […]
The Austin Independent School District would like more community input regarding theirAISD Facilities. An outside group is collecting information through the linked surveys — which will only be available for about a week. Please take the time (about 5 mintues) to complete the survey and to pass it along to others for their input. The […]
On Saturday, July 3rd at 9AM, the TWENTIETH Annual Tarrytown 4th of July Parade and Picnic will be presented by the 2010 Tarrytown Parade Planning Committee! All families are invited to participate in the parade (feel free to make a small or big donation by contacting or to cheer on the participants along the […]
Neighborhood Plan Presentation to PC
On May 13, 2010, the UT’s Board of Regents conducted a hearing to receive public comment on the Brackenridge Tract Conceptual Master Plans from Cooper Robertson & Partners (CR&P). You may still be able to submit written comments by e-mail: At the hearing, the subcommittee received comments and input, mostly outlining the problems and […]
The Sustainable Neighborhood Coalition is conducting a survey on how 2010 Transportation Bond money should be spent. If you care about the potential 2010 Transportation Bond, please consider taking the quick 2-minute survey on a couple of key high level issues, to help decision makers understand what you want. The survey closes Saturday, May 14. Please click […]
Set forth below is the proposed sidewalk plan from the draft Transportation Chapter from the Central West Austin Combined Neighborhood Planning Area:
The Town Lake Animal Center has a brand new program committing to saving the lives of Central Texas’ homeless pets. Town Lake’s new Foster Program is actively recruiting homes who can serve as volunteer foster homes. Austin/Travis County Health and Human Services Department’s Animal Services took in over 20,000 animals last year. This included thousands […]
The “Final Open House” meeting for our neighborhood planning process will occur this Thursday, March 4, 2010 (6:00 p.m - 9:00 p.m.) at the LCRA Red Bud Center, 3601 Lake Austin Blvd.
Bylaws Meeting: The bylaws for the Central West Austin Combined Neighborhood Plan Contact Team will be discussed on Tuesday, February 16th 6:30 – 7:50pm at Bryker Woods Elementary School. Set forth below are the proposed bylaws for the Central West Austin Combined Neighborhood Planning Team (NPT). These bylaws have been prepared based on your template, with […]
Austin Marathon races through Austin streets Valentine’s weekend – Full and partial street closures Travelers in Austin should be aware of potential traffic delays expected on Sunday, Feb. 14th in Central and North Austin from the 2010 Austin Marathon and Half Marathon. Austin Marathon and Half Marathon The Austin Marathon and Half Marathon is taking […]
Neighborhood Plan Final Open House — March 4, 2010 (LCRA Red Bud Center – 3601 Lake Austin Blvd.) We have concluded the zoning portion of Neighborhood Planning and await the scheduling of the Open House for the purposes of reviewing the plan prior to submission to the City’s Planning Commission. The date and location of […]
The following intruder alert has been circulating by email to our neighborhood: “A male in his mid-30’s rang the bell at the home of a dear friend. The man was dressed as a police officer. Against instructions, the wonderful babysitter opened the door since she thought it was a policeman. When she did, he pushed […]
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