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On Monday, July 29, at 8 pm at Howson Branch Library, the Central West Austin Neighborhood Plan Contact Team (NPCT) will conduct a Regular Meeting to address the following agenda items:
1. Request to File Out-Of-Cycle Plan Amendment for 2208 Lake Austin Boulevard: The Planning Contact Team Executive Committee (PCT) will meet with Applicant on their request to allow a plan amendment application to be filed outside of the regular open period (February) for amendments to our neighborhood plan. For an out-of-cycle application, the PCT meets with the applicant and other neighborhood stakeholders to discuss the request, and votes whether to allow the application to be filed outside of the February open period. At this meeting, there doesn’t necessarily need to be discussion regarding the merits of the request or whether or not the PCT will support the request, but simply to allow it to be filed or not. If the PCT votes to allow the application to be filed, the City makes an appointment with the Applicant to submit the application.
Background – This out-of-cycle request relates to a FLUM amendment to support a rezoning request by Mark Vornberg (Dick Clark Architecture) for 2208 Lake Austin Blvd to allow for mixed use at the site. The current FLUM plan calls for Neighborhood Commercial, and the current zoning is Local Office-Neighborhood Plan (LO-NP). According to information received, the purpose of the zoning/FLUM change is to convert the current one story office building into a two-story building with a commercial use on the ground floor and a residential use above. To do this, they would need to change their current zoning district from LO-NP to Local Office- Mixed Use-Neighborhood Plan (LO-MU-NP). The FLUM would also need to be changed from Neighborhood Commercial to some type of Mixed Use category. It is unclear if an impervious cover variance would also be requested.
2. Executive Committee Replacement Elections: Replacement elections will be held to accommodate PHNA’s request that Diane Umstead and Betty Trent switch positions, so that Diane Umstead has the “one property owner” position and Betty Trent has the “PHNA board member/officer” position. In addition, Pat Jobe has asked to step down from the Executive Committee, and I thank Pat for participating on the NPCT and throughout the neighborhood plan process. In her place, Vivian Wilson has agreed to serve as one of the “WANG PA residential property owner” positions on the Executive Committee, so we will include Vivian in the replacement election part of the meeting..
3. Proposed Plan Amendment Ordinance: Brief discussion of proposed plan amendment ordinance which would allow Planning Commission to initiate plan amendments. Presentation of background information by Mary Ingle. Consider submitting input to Council on proposed amendment. Additional background information is included in the attached Planning Commission Backup document.
4. Parks Budget Input: (Time permitting) In view of neighborhood plan parks projects, discuss possible input to Council in support of increasing parks budget to include an additional $4.75 million for the Austin Parks and Recreation (PARD) in the 2013-2014 City of Austin Budget.
5. Sidewalk Fund Update: (Time permitting) Update on status of sidewalk fund projects and expenditures
PURPOSE OF MEETING: The City of Austin is sponsoring this community meeting to provide an opportunity for the applicant, neighborhood planning contact team, nearby residents/property owners and any other interested parties to discuss the proposed plan amendment and zoning change requests. DATE: Tuesday, May 21, 2024 TIME: 6:00—7:30 pm Website: The meeting will […]
This Saturday, March 2nd, Friends of Reed Park is partnering with Austin Parks Foundation for the biannual It’s My Park Day. On this day all around Austin, volunteers will head to their local parks and green spaces to clean up litter, mulch trees, and more. As a friend of Reed Park, we’d like to invite you and your family […]
TROWEL & ERROR! On April 7, from 9:30 a.m. to 1:00 p.m., Mayfield Park will host Trowel & Error, the Spring event that annually attracts gardeners from all over Central Texas to hear experts give time-tested tips for beautiful gardens. Although lectures begin at 10:00, the event “opens” at 9:30 for those early birds who […]